Friday, July 10, 2009


So home again watching t.v., Runs House comes on & watching Diggy doing his blog made me decided to get on here.. I don't know much about it yet, but I can tell I'm going to get hooked on this. I'm trying to figure out how to do the profile page and all that, but I'm mad tired probably will work out better when I'm bored at the office ha ha. I've been asking myself everyday whats next, what should I be doing now, I really want a career and i want to be super busy everyday and making alot more for myself & for my family. I know it doesn't seem realistic not wanting to go to college, but school just isn't for me it never has been. Right after HS i was working full time at the same office for 3 years doing really good for myself cars, clothes, dozens of trips to the Caribbean all that stuff i never had b4. now I'm laid off of course due to the economy like everyone else and it really sucks feels like I'm loosing more and more everyday. I just wanna get back in the action living my life feeling stable like i have the last few yrs. iv learned most of my friends weren't really friends the last few months also, i find myself talking to fewer people everyday, not because I'm doing something wrong, because there just fake.. Just need to get back out there and worry about me right now and stop worrying about people that do nothing but bring me down. I'm glad I made all my mistakes at such a young age, as the Rev said often the smartest one in the room is the one who made the most mistakes.


  1. What's Up Derek,

    Just wanted to take a second and let you know I appreciate your thoughts. I've been feeling the same way lately about getting my life going and doing something I enjoy. I think it starts with doing something you're passionate about. From there it will take you to the top because you're working for love and not money. Keep up the blog man, you've gotta fan!

    Max Gibson

  2. Thanks Max! Thats what I think too, working on getting everything back together. It takes time, but thats life.
